MEC has revolutionized the stone industry with its automatic splitters, but we understand that there are times when you’ll need a manual splitter. Below, we’ve outlined the benefits and differences of each along with models you should know about.
Manual splitters allow you to decide exactly when and how to split your stone. They’re designed to split irregular stone and can work in quarries or stone processing factories.
There are closed and open-frame designs of manual splitters.
Examples of manual stone splitters:
PX Series:
PH Series:
C Series:
Click here for more details about the differences between the PX, PH, and C Series.
Automatic splitters do just what their name suggests – they automatically split stones. They’re designed for high-volume systems such as an automatic loading and unloading system or a palletizing system.
Automatic splitters have closed frame designs and are used on regular or sawn blocks or strips.
Examples of automatic stone splitters:
Kubo Series:
PXA Series:
MEC is the go-to when it comes to stone splitters. Whether you need a manual or automatic system, MEC is the way to go – and we have you covered. Let’s talk today. We’ll help ensure you get the right machine for your facility.